tirsdag 12. juni 2012

Picasso and cubism unit

In this unit, we investigated Picasso and his famous style of painting, Cubism. Cubism is a painting style which expresses emotion by exaggerating shapes and placement of shapes and forms in a model. Our assessment for this unit was to first create a cubist drawing/painting based on a model, and another  painting/drawing based on our own imagination. Since we didn't have as much time as expected, few people were able to finish their second painting/drawing.

The model we were using to base our first drawing on, were several different objects such as a guitar and a mannequin. To make a cubist drawing, we first divided our page into panels. As we were copying the model, we were to change the shape and direction of the object between each panel. We were also advised to mostly watch the model while we were drawing. The results were quite peculiar. We then used collage from newspapers to fill in some of the panels. Finally, we gave the drawing some depth by using  multicolored chalk. The result was interesting. I couldn't really tell how well or bad I did, as the purpose of the exercise was not necessarily to make the most "attractive" drawing, but rather a drawing which demonstrates cubism.

For the second drawing we used the same method as before, only working from our own imagination. I ended up drawing random shapes and figures that came to my mind.

onsdag 18. april 2012

Tessellation unit: Feedback

In this lesson, while some of us were finishing the paintings, others were given feedback on their painting.

My general feedback was that the painting looked good, despite being a little rough. They liked the use of red and black as color scheme. I didn't get much criticism.

Personally, after looking at the tools I had at my disposal, I think that my painting turned out successful.

onsdag 4. april 2012

Tessellation unit: Painting

As I was finished cutting out the linoleum, I was able to start painting. I decided to use the color scheme of black and red, as they contrasted  each other in a way that I felt fit my design. I had to use a regular brush to paint the surface of the cut out, which ended up making the painting look really rough. I didn't really min this though, as it would have been hard to align the the outlines to a point where accuracy was crucial. I was generally pleased with the result of the painting, despite it's roughness.

onsdag 28. mars 2012

Tessellation unit: Finished cut out

After the last three lessons, I finally finished the cut out. I had a few problems while doing this. When I finished the cut out the first time, it had disappeared the next lesson, which led me to starting the process all over again. There was also a great lack of knives to use, so I had to use a scissor when cutting out the design the second time. I was not pleased with the result when using a scissor, so I had redo the process again. When I was finally finished, I carved the desired pattern onto the linoleum.

onsdag 7. mars 2012

Tessellation unit: Cut out

As I had made the design of the object for my tessellation in the previous lesson, I was able to proceed with cutting out the design out go linoleum. We were then going to paint the surface of the cut out, and print it onto a sheet of A3 paper. To cut out my design from the linoleum, I first had to trace the outline of the design, and then cut it out using a scissor or knife. After trying both methods, the knife gave a more accurate result, while the scissors made the process faster. I decided to use the knife, as my cut out would contain several small and thin parts, which would need accuracy.

onsdag 29. februar 2012

Tessellation unit: Introduction

In this lesson, we were mostly brainstorming and experimenting in different ways how our objects for our tessellation might look. We had been given a method to cut out a pattern from one of the sides f a square, and then stick it onto the parallel side. From this, I was able to make some kind of a bat shape. I found a way to make space between the legs, which would look like horns on the opposite end. I was pleased that I was able to come up with a reasonably good design so quickly, which would make me able to proceed in the next lesson.

onsdag 8. februar 2012

Finished with Assassination of Osama bin Laden Sketch

We are now finished with the Osama bin Laden sketch. I was generally pleased with the result exempt from some problems with the green screen which made the finished product look very blurry.  The only scene we are missing now is the Ghadaffi assassination sketch. We will try to keep it short on footage as we only have half a lesson next week.

onsdag 1. februar 2012

Finished with the Japan earthquake Sketch

We are now finished with everything up to the Japan earthquake sketch. I was very pleased with the result, especially with the voiceover of Floyd. The next sketch will be the assignation of Osama bin Laden Sketch.

onsdag 18. januar 2012

Stop motion project log: Making models an objects in plasticine.

We have decided for our group project to make a stop motion film using plasticine models and objects. My group consists of myself, Simen, Roman and Floyd. Our main guideline for the project is to make a movie regarding events happening in 2011. We are covering these events:

  • Winter VM in Holmenkollen
  • Assassination of Osama Bin Laden
  • The fall of Muammar Gadaffi
  • Japan earthquake

I have assigned myself the task of making the plasticine objects.